How does your website compare to Malaysia’s industry leaders?

Domain Traffic Share Change Rank Monthly Visits Unique Visitors Desktop vs Mobile Share Visit Duration Pages / Visits
All data collected from
Instantly Receive Competitor Web Traffic Metrics

View Your Competitor’s
Web Traffic Metrics

Website traffic metrics are important data that marketers use to monitor how their customers are interacting with their website. Your website is your brand’s digital storefront and may be the primary place customers interact with your brand. This puts the onus on you and your marketers to design and modify your website to invite customers in and keep them within your web domain. Knowing the value of web traffic metrics, Primal has developed the Competitor Analysis tool, a free-to-use tool that aggregates and compiles web traffic metrics for the top 100 domains across several industries in Malaysia, including the hospitality, food and beverage, and e-commerce industries.

Primal’s Competitor Analysis tool is intuitive and easy to use, and the data can be utilised by both marketing professionals and researchers alike. To use the tool, choose the industry you are interested in from the drop-down menu, or search for a specific website in the search field in the upper right-hand corner; the web industry analysis tool will then automatically produce web traffic metrics for further analysis.

Compare Yourself Against Industry Leaders

Measure Up Against Your
Industry’s Leaders

The industry analysis tool displays multiple web traffic metrics for the top 100 domains in Malaysia, including traffic share, quarterly percentage change, rank (in Malaysia and by category), monthly visits, unique visitors, time spent, number of pages viewed per visit, and the share between mobile and desktop access. Users can sort the data by the different metrics to see which domain leads a particular industry. All data shown uncovers useful insights about a given domain which marketers can utilise during competitor analyses.

Having this data on hand provides marketers and web developers with the opportunity to evaluate and further research how industry leaders have responded to trends. From there, they can learn which elements and features of the industry leaders’ domains contribute to better web traffic metrics, and use that knowledge to upgrade their own web pages. For example, a domain with a small number of visitors and a lengthy average visit duration indicates that its web pages are excellent at keeping customers engaged and within its domain. Using the industry leaders as a benchmark and drawing inspiration from their web pages lets marketers know their domain’s position in the industry and empowers them to make effective enhancements to their website to improve their metrics.

150+ 60
Awesome team members
300+ 100+
Brand Partners
2 2
Regional Offices

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