Master Display Advertising and Convert Customers

Master Display Advertising and Convert Customers

Display advertising is how most online businesses spread their message. Across the entire spectrum of text, images, audio and video, brands can use websites, social media platforms and apps to increase brand awareness and advertise their products and services. The ultimate goal behind display ads is to get the user to perform an action, whether that means clicking through to your website, making a purchase or seeking out more information. As brands typically pay for display ads on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis, these campaigns can be highly cost-effective as businesses are only charged when their advertisement receives a click.

As the most common type of display ads, banner advertising is a frequently used strategy in remarketing campaigns – the process of serving ads to customers that have already visited your webpage but failed to convert. Also known as retargeting, these kinds of campaigns remind the user about your products and services, encouraging them to return to your business and make a purchase. This kind of marketing strategy has proven incredibly effective for digital brands.

Boost Sales with Effective Display Ads

Boost Sales with Effective Display Ads

Display ads can be great for online businesses, but generating the right outcome is a challenge. An experienced display ads agency in Kuala Lumpur like Primal can take charge of your Google Ads account and help you overcome the platform’s intimidating learning curve.

We’ll help you create a campaign that achieves your goals by determining the advertising format that is perfect for your products and services. With Google Ads, you have the choice of four key types: image ads, video ads, text ads and rich media ads.

Once we’ve settled on the ideal ad type, the next step is deciding on a display format that suits your brand. You’ll have the choice of square ads, leaderboard (banner) ads, skyscraper (vertical) ads and mobile ads. Each one has numerous sizes and customisable elements that must also be considered.

Finally, you’ll have to determine your campaign’s budget. This can change significantly depending on how you approach A/B testing, the type of banner ads selected, and whether you want to generate leads, conversions or brand awareness.

Profit From Banner Ads That Increase Sales

Profit From Banner Ads That Increase Sales

Display ads are most effective when used as a remarketing campaign. Alongside an effective banner ad agency like Primal, we know how to use in-depth analytics to identify high-quality customers and serve them a reminder that increases your chances of making a sale. With many customers simply not purchasing in the past due to getting distracted or taking some time to consider their decision, retargeting ads can provide the little nudge a customer needs to finish their purchase.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re conducting a remarketing campaign or looking to attract new customers entirely, having a detailed method of targeting potential customers ensures you achieve the greatest ROI. With Google Ads, you can customise your campaign with specific keywords, demographics and customer interests, among many other factors. Having this detailed information ensures your products and services reach your perfect customer base. As a leading banner ads agency in Kuala Lumpur, Primal’s professional team will develop compelling copy, imagery and call-to-actions that convince people to engage with your brand.

Expand Your Customer Base with Display Advertising

Expand Your Customer Base with Display Advertising

Display advertising in Malaysia is made easy when you choose to work with Primal. Having honed our award-winning craft over years of successful campaigns, our banner ad strategies reach sought after target markets both in Malaysia and abroad. Display advertising can indeed be a daunting prospect for those new to the world of online marketing. But if you choose to partner with Primal, we’ll ensure your campaign launches with an approach that’s bound to achieve your business goals.

For display advertising in Kuala Lumpur, Primal is the ideal choice. We’ll maximise your budget’s potential and lead critical marketing decisions on your display ad’s format, style and visibility. Alongside our superior marketing team, we’ll find an elegant approach that conveys your brand message and reaches your most desired customers. If you want to dominate banner advertising in Malaysia, contact Primal to find out how our talented marketers can generate a strategy that makes perfect sense for your business.

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Choose the Type and Format of Display Advertising that Fits Your Products or Services

Having a Google Adwords account is a must for any retailer who wants to sell their products or services online. But if you have opened a Google Adwords account, you have been faced with numerous choices. These choices have to be made in order to fully utilise the power that your Adwords account has in being able to reach your target audience and potential buyers.

But deciding on the best types of ads, formats and sizes for your display advertising, can determine how successful your Adwords campaign will be for your brand. Hence, these choices have to be made carefully.

There are four main types of ads to choose from and a multitude of formats and sizes. The four main types are:
Image ads

Image ads

Popular among brands that feature services as their major revenue stream. They allow you to explain your services in detail.

Video ads

Video ads

Popular with brands offering services instead of individual, visual products. They consist of a headline and two lines of text. Advertisers can create a number of these ads and monitor which one provides the most effective content in attracting consumers.

Text ads

Text ads

Static image that completely fills the entire ad block. You can custom-create your imagery and include embedded text within the image.

Rich media ads

Rich media ads

The newest innovation. These include interactive features and animations. Rich media represents a new way for brands offering products or services to engage with their target audience and often provide higher click-through and conversion rates.

The next step is deciding the best format to use to display your ad. There are also four main formats to choose from in determining how your ad will appear on a webpage.
The types of ad you use and the content they contain should be taken into account when choosing a format. The formats are:
Squares and triangles

Squares and triangles

Just what the name suggests. They are squares and rectangles in different sizes. If you decide on a video ad or rich media ad, these can be your most appropriate formats.

Leaderboard ads

Leaderboard ads

Also known as banner ads. They are offered in several bold sizes that often occupy a large portion of the webpage on which they appear.

Skyscraper ads

Skyscraper ads

Vertically-formatted ad blocks. While they can be effective for text-based ads or static image ads, they generally are a challenge for video and rich media ads.

Mobile ads

Mobile ads

Simply ads designed to be viewed on smartphones. Rich media ads go particularly well with smartphones as the interactive features of rich media ads can be operated via touchscreen.

Each of these formats is offered in a variety of sizes. For determining the size, your overall advertising budget and the number of different ads you want to run will have to be taken into consideration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Appearing along the top, bottom or sides of websites and social media platforms, banner ads are a type of display advertisement that spreads awareness about your products and services.
Many factors contribute to the cost of banner ads. You have to consider the type and format of your advertisement, alongside its selected audience, time of posting and bid method.
Display ads are a form of online marketing appearing on websites, apps and social media platforms. The aim of display ads is to encourage sales and spread brand awareness.
By using a platform like Google Ads, brands can generate display ads that are targeted to specific customers. These are displayed on websites, social media platforms and other digital mediums.
If targeted correctly, display ads can be highly effective at spreading brand awareness and increasing revenue. Partner with a banner ad agency to ensure your campaign reaches its ideal audience.