Market Effectively With Programmatic Advertising

Market Effectively With Programmatic Advertising

Managing your online advertising strategy has become easier than ever with the rise of programmatic marketing. This rapidly growing strategy allows brands of all sizes to utilise modern technology to target specific customers and improve conversion rates. Naturally, programmatic ads controlled by AI-powered algorithms are much faster compared to the old-fashioned approach when you had to negotiate with a human. Now, your ads can be consistently shown to customers that care about your products and services, saving your brand considerable time and effort, while also generating better conversions.

This largely automatic approach to buying and selling ads has led most top businesses to leave behind the world of manual bidding. Instead, you can profit from streamlined campaign management with greatly improved targeting. By combining your customer analytics and business goals with a powerful ad platform, programmatic advertising’s in-depth algorithms accurately identify your desired customers and serve ads in real-time. If you compare programmatic marketing to how brands used to advertise online, you’ll quickly realise this tech-focused approach generates more sales and revenue.

Succeed With Google’s Display & Video 360

Succeed With Google’s Display & Video 360

Google’s latest programmatic advertising platform is known as Display & Video 360. Formally known as Google DoubleClick Bid Manager, this platform is critical to showcasing your brand to the right people at the right time. If you choose to work alongside Primal, we’ll showcase your products and services across the Google Display Network. Recognised as easily the largest advertising platform in the world, it reaches over 90% of all websites on the internet. Plus, our programmatic ad agency provides access to another 80+ first-rate ad exchanges that exist alongside Google’s network.

An effective way to utilise the Display & Video 360 is by developing a strategy known as prospecting. This AI advertising technique takes data you already have about your customers and uses it to develop a lookalike profile. By marketing towards groups of people that match this profile, you can remove an element of chance from your advertising strategy. This AI-driven advertising approach has proven to be highly effective, as you target your ideal customers’ key demographics, like location, income and interests.

Use Technology To Reach Your Target Market

Use Technology To Reach Your Target Market

Remarketing is another approach that removes some of the guesswork from digital marketing. While prospecting aims to identify customers that haven’t previously visited your website, the goal of remarketing is to win over customers that are already aware of your brand. Also known as retargeting, in a sense, this approach works by following potential customers around the internet and serving reminders about your products as they browse other websites.

If your brand uses remarketing effectively, you can reach customers who have a much higher chance of converting. This is because these people have already displayed considerable interest in your business, and sometimes only need a carefully placed reminder to complete their purchase. There are countless reasons why someone failed to convert in the first place, including simply getting distracted during the check-out process. Remarketing provides an elegant solution to this problem.

Across hundreds of remarketing campaigns, Primal has developed a highly effective approach to programmatic ads in Malaysia. For brands looking to increase brand awareness and conversions, our in-depth strategies achieve great results using the power of technology.

Dominate The Market Using Technology

Dominate The Market Using Technology

Having worked alongside many of Malaysia’s most highly regarded brands, our programmatic marketing agency generates ads that capture your customers’ attention. Whether that’s on YouTube, Facebook or any other digital platform, we’ll develop an approach that reaches your desired customer base. Using Display & Video 360, alongside our superior prospecting and remarketing campaigns, Primal’s talented team maximises the potential of your budget and dramatically increases conversions.

The ability to advertise to your target market is imperative to success. Primal has years of experience learning the ins and outs of Google’s complex algorithms, achieving incredible results for our clients. Built upon eye-catching marketing campaigns that encourage clicks and conversions, our research-driven strategies help brands reach the pinnacle of their industry.

We’re passionate about getting the greatest results so we go above and beyond for your business. Through detailed reports, we constantly reassess our approach and make small adjustments that boost the success of our campaigns and inform you about the success of your business. By partnering with Primal, you’re making a great decision that ensures your long-term success.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Using artificial intelligence to streamline the process of buying and selling ads, programmatic advertising uses real-time auctions on various ad exchanges to purchase space and display your ads to customers.
Programmatic ads use AI-driven advertising and machine learning to target your customers. It works in real-time by displaying ads to potential customers as they browse the internet.
All kinds of businesses can benefit from programmatic advertising. This approach saves time, energy and money, as you use technology to develop an effective strategy that reaches your target market.
Programmatic advertising greatly speeds up the process of buying and selling ads. By using technological innovations like machine learning and artificial intelligence, this approach automatically displays ads to potential customers.
The cost of programmatic advertising is greatly reduced compared to traditional marketing. By targeting your precise market and cutting out time-consuming processes, you can save your business time and money.