Standout Mobile Search Rankings

Standout Mobile Search Rankings

For digital-first businesses wanting to reach the pinnacle of their industry, catering to a mobile audience has become incredibly important. This is because mobile devices have become the chosen medium to search the internet for much of the world’s population. Google quickly realised this changing landscape, making alterations to their algorithms to give preference to websites that have a powerful mobile backbone. For businesses that want to position themselves as industry leaders, a sharp mobile-first approach is a proven strategy to climb the search engine results page (SERP).

Desktop websites still provide a great service for your customers. But considering many of your customers are going to encounter your business using their smartphones, your marketing strategy also needs to include mobile SEO. If you’ve discovered that many of your competitors already have a mobile-first approach, Primal can give your business the boost it needs to catch up and expand your reach. Our talented SEO team will craft a comprehensive strategy specifically for your brand, increasing your SERP ranking and generating more sales.

Generate More Leads with Mobile SEO

Generate More Leads with Mobile SEO

A mobile-first approach to marketing is effective for a variety of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, a high percentage of your traffic is going to land on your mobile site compared to its desktop alternative. Fortunately, setting up a mobile website that caters directly to your customer base doesn’t mean you have to reinvent the wheel, as a sharp mobile SEO strategy overlaps considerably with standard optimisation practices. By developing a website that’s fast and elegantly structured, your products and services can stand out and appeal to your ideal target market.

Once you realise the majority of your customers are using their smartphones to search, it makes perfect sense to focus your attention on this area. With carefully selected visual elements, catchy titles, widgets and collapsible menus, you can produce a website that’s a breeze for your customers to navigate. Give your business a boost and develop an effective mobile website. Alongside Primal, your company can successfully capture more of your target market.

Take Charge of Your Mobile Website

Take Charge of Your Mobile Website

With the rise of the mobile market, Google has changed the way it displays search results. According to the latest research, an exponential amount of people now combine search terms like “where to buy” and “near me” with products and services they need. This change to peoples’ search habits led Google to give preference to businesses with websites strongly optimised for the mobile market. With a high percentage of customers using their smartphones to search locally, Google now orientates their result pages towards these customers.

For businesses based in Malaysia, Primal has the expertise required to design a mobile SEO strategy that delivers outstanding results. Our local team in Kuala Lumpur is ideally positioned to give your brand the helping hand it needs to take over the market. Plus, we’ve stayed on top of Google’s rapidly changing practices for years, ensuring we know how to unravel the search algorithms and reach your customers. Work alongside us and we’ll help your brand thrive.

Increase Your Mobile Reach

Increase Your Mobile Reach

Making large-scale strategic changes to your business is understandably daunting, but Primal ensures the process is as smooth as possible. First, we’ll conduct a rigorous SEO audit of your entire website, assessing how your business performs against similar industry brands. Following this audit, we’ll know precisely where to focus our efforts to make the largest improvements. As we reconfigure your content for the mobile-first world, we’ll also ensure your website is agile and easy to navigate.

Across an array of on-page and technical alterations, we push your website up the search rankings. We handle the management of your website and report on our strategy’s performance. Throughout this process, our data-driven techniques identify sections where we can make dramatic upgrades that further your reach and grow sales. With Primal, you can feel confident that our approach to mobile SEO will enhance your business and boost your brand’s status.

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Case Study

  • SEO

Genemartino |

Genemartino is a online fashion brand that aims to drive increase in traffic and thereby online sales for B2C. Since it is a competitive market in the modern modest wear fast-fashion retail business, to be ranking and staying on top of search results is very challenging.

Keywords on Page 1 in 12 months
Increase in transactions in H2 compared to H1
Increase in Traffic in H2 compared to H1
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Frequently Asked Questions

Launch your strategy the right way with SEO audit. This fundamental process assesses your competitors and target market, helping your business design a plan that gets immediate results.
Search engines now preference websites optimised for mobile users. A keen mobile SEO strategy ensures your brand is promoted to the majority of customers who use their smartphones to search.
Over 50% of internet users search using mobile. With search engines adapting to this change, a website optimised for the mobile market ensures your products and services get seen.
Your business is missing out on scores of potential customers without mobile SEO. Get ahead in the mobile-first marketplace by designing a website catering to this enormous audience base.
The cost changes dramatically depending on the size and scope of your business. However, a website optimised for mobile enhances your reach and ability to generate profit.
The benefits are hugely varied. An informed approach greatly enhances the user experience, having a positive impact on traffic and conversions. Plus, your SERP rankings will significantly improve.